Between You and the Plumber

Common Sewer Line Problems You Should Be Aware Of

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Sewer line problems rarely happen, but when they do, they’ll mess you up. In fact, any homeowner dreads sewer line problems because they’re expensive to repair. While you can solve some problems on your own, others require a plumber with enough experience in sewer line repair.  Catching sewer line problems early on can save you a lot of money in repair costs. That said, you should always be on the lookout for signs of sewer line damage.…

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How Hydro Jetting Compares To Using A Drain Auger On A Clogged Drain

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When a drain in your home is clogged, your plumber might recommend cleaning it with a hydro jet. First, they may try plunging to get the clog to move, but when a drain is completely clogged, the plumber needs to use drain cleaning equipment such as a hydro jet or a drain auger. Here’s how these two drain cleaning methods work and why hydro jetting is often the best way to clear out a clogged drain.…

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Four Ways You Can Prevent Home Electrical Fires

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One of the biggest things with home electrical fires is the fact that most of them are preventable when the proper safety measures are in place. As a general rule, there are steps that you can take in your home right at this moment. You can minimize the chance of a tragedy occurring in your home by simply taking proper care of your electrical outlets, devices, etc. So, keep reading to learn a few things you can do.…

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