Between You and the Plumber

5 Preparation Tips For Sewer Line Replacement

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Sewer line replacement can be a requirement if there is a leak along the line. The following tips can help you prepare for the work so that your life and home suffers as little disruption as possible.  1. Schedule an Inspection Before proceeding with a replacement, schedule an inspection first. Your repair service will use a pipe camera to see the inside of the sewer line, which allows them to pinpoint the exact location and the extent of the sewer line damage.…

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3 Reasons You'll Need Expert Air Conditioning Services

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If you own a functional and active air conditioning system, the need for AC services may pop up anytime. It could be you need repair work done before the onset of winter, or you’re looking for regular maintenance services. Either way, you’ll always only settle for expert air conditioning services. The challenge at hand may at times look simple for you to handle, and you may resist the urge to call in an expert to do the job.…

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5 Preparation Tips Before Leach Field Installation

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A leach field is the final destination in a septic system. After the solids are separated out in the septic tanks, the liquids flow into the leach field, where they are processed naturally before returning to the groundwater. Choosing a location is the first step in the installation of the leach field.  1. Avoid High Traffic Areas A leach field must never be driven on or built upon. This means you do not want the field placed near the driveway or entry road to the property.…

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